Are Airsoft Guns BB Guns? The Truth Exposed (2022)
Are Airsoft Guns BB Guns. What are the benefits of Airsoft guns vs. BB guns? The biggest difference between the two is that Airsoft guns fire pellets made of plastic and BB guns fire steel balls or pellets. While airsoft and BB guns are similar in many ways, they are not interchangeable. The most important thing to know when buying either a BB gun or an airsoft gun is what you plan on using it for.
Are Airsoft Guns BB Guns?
Airsoft guns are not BB guns.
Airsoft guns are real guns that are designed and built to fire plastic pellets. The guns look very realistic and they do shoot pellets that can hurt. BB guns are toys that shoot pellets made of metal and plastic.
If you choose an airsoft gun, know that most of the time it will not look as realistic as a BB gun. BB guns are often used for target shooting, and they can be used as a means of training, but they do not look realistic and are used primarily for recreation and fun.
While we know the differences between the two classes of guns, I come across people that ask me if it’s better to buy a gun for protection or for shooting. I think it depends on what we plan on using the gun for.
We obviously have to include it in our protection plan if we plan on legally purchasing the gun, but what about when we just want to shoot it? How do they compare when both options are equally effective?
What are the benefits of Airsoft guns vs. BB guns? – Are Airsoft Guns BB Guns
Airsoft guns are made to shoot plastic pellets, while BB guns shoot metal pellets. Airsoft guns are safer to use because they don’t shoot as hard as BB guns. BB guns can cause major damage if they accidentally hit someone in the eye.
On the other hand, airsoft guns do not have the same drawbacks when it comes to having to stop to dodge errant BBs (because they can’t), or they can be much more dangerous if they hit a person in the eye.
BB guns vs. airsoft guns Pros of Every type of gun – Are Airsoft Guns BB Guns?
- Ammunition is cheap, plentiful, and relatively easy to find in a store.
- Batteries last forever, so training with these guns is never a bad idea.
- There is a wide range of options available, so it is easy to find a gun that works for you and your goals.
Cons of Every type of gun
- Realistic aiming is difficult.
- Accuracy is not that great.
The airsoft guns can be very dangerous to use as they are made to fly relatively quickly and are much heavier than an equivalent caliber pellet gun. They also may be too slow to target a particular area.
Risks of every type of gun – Are Airsoft Guns BB Guns
The only possibility of losing life due to injury or death is when someone is using an airsoft gun improperly.
Anyone with a metal pellet pen should almost always use a gun with aluminum tips or, at the very least, avoid using a gun that’s too heavy to use with a soft pointer.
Projectiles are easy to lose. You should always wear a hat or sunglasses when using a gun, and even change the tip of your gun as often as the tip of the ammunition it contains.

Oliver has been a paintball enthusiast since he first stepped on the field at just 11. He quickly joined clubs and teams all throughout New Hampshire! He started Paintball Hive to share his passion and knowledge with other paintball heads out there!