Weight Of A Paintball. If you are new to paintball or have never used a paintball gun before, you may be wondering how much does a paintball weigh? Well, the answer isn’t simple at all. The weight of a paintball is going to vary depending on what type of paintball it is, and what company made it.
Different Types of Paintballs – Weight Of A Paintball
There are two different types of paintballs, there are non-toxic ones and toxic ones. The non-toxic paintballs are the ones that are used for recreational paintballing and the toxic ones are the ones used for professional paintball tournaments. They can range in weight anywhere from 2.2 ounces – 8 pounds depending on the brand of paintball.
Ok I get it, both are awesome and I love playing paintball. In fact, I’m going to start playing paintball and I might actually be able to beat out my brother who is playing at a pro level. But I’m going to make sure he doesn’t win because his paintball is WAY heavier than mine.
Here are some things to know when playing paintball and running around and shooting at the other team’s colors.
Starting Out: The Most Important Part!
As any seasoned paintball player will tell you is to start with the right paintball. Most paintball companies will advertise their paintball setups as being “The best we have,” or “The best you have ever had,” or either in a super boastful way trying to show they have the most amazing equipment. You pay a pretty penny for a paintball set-up and a ball that can hit a target at 400+ ft, so you really need to be buying a paintball setup that you will actually use.
Remember the first rule of paintballing, don’t get me wrong- it’s all about shooting the ball, and the speed at which you shoot it, but if you don’t know how to properly load your gun and your ball, your shooting will take a real dive. So think about your setup and start practicing in the sandbox. Keep in mind though, the paintballs you shoot with aren’t the only important thing when paintballing, know how to load your gun, and see the ball in the mirror.
Paintball Weights – Weight Of A Paintball
Paintball guns can weigh up to 10 pounds, so how much does a paintball weigh? The most common paintballs are made of gelatin and come in different sizes. They range from 4.5 grams (1/8 oz.) to 6.5 grams (1/6 oz.). So how much does a paintball weigh? About 5.5 grams (1/6 oz.).
How Much Does a Paintball Weigh? – Weight Of A Paintball
In the United States, paintballs weigh 1.25 grams. That is just under 2/10ths of an ounce. Paintballs are not the same size or weight everywhere in the world, though. In Canada, paintballs weigh 1.4 grams. While still much lighter than the first world war era.50 caliber bullets that were almost twice as heavy, the weight difference may actually be more of a practical argument depending on where you purchase.
The most relevant tip would be to be aware of the weight at first glance when picking up a new paintball. The heavier the paintball, the farther it will travel. A 3-7-ounce paintball will propel the ball further than a 25-ounce paintball, and with a bit of practice, can shoot straight over short or long ranges. These lighter paintballs, however, also cause more recoil and the operator may have to learn to quickly pump the trigger. Just immediately prior to being shot, the operator is responsible for squeezing the trigger, which will lead to the shell getting locked into place and causing considerable damage to the nearby hardwoods.
In terms of the real-world usage of paintballs, they Quite simply, do not take much space to operate. One barrel holds 3-7 paintballs, and a single person can safely walk around with a full paintball case. This coating will not cause excessive wear on the barrel unless the operator pumps the gun after each shot, which will defeat the purpose of the paintball case very quickly. One common misconception about paintballs is that you move them to a target by literally “pumping” them into the target. In reality, you are just hitting the revolving target on the top of the paintball with the gun. Another misconception is using roller balls doesn’t work, but again, all you’re doing is hitting the ball with the gun. The ball moves along with the gun, and depending on where that ball hits, it does or does not go where you want it to.

Oliver has been a paintball enthusiast since he first stepped on the field at just 11. He quickly joined clubs and teams all throughout New Hampshire! He started Paintball Hive to share his passion and knowledge with other paintball heads out there!