What Airsoft Gun Is Best for a Beginner? Think airsoft is just for experienced players? Think again. These days, pretty much anyone can get into the sport with a little patience and research. If you’re new to airsoft or just want to know more about it, check out this article.
The Different Types of Airsoft Guns – What Airsoft Gun Is Best for a Beginner
There are many different types of airsoft guns. The two main types are spring-powered and gas-powered. Spring-powered airsoft guns are essentially the same as a regular spring-powered gun, like a BB gun. They have a spring that is wound back and released to shoot the BB. As opposed to the gas-powered model, these guns do not have a spring. Their chambers are instead filled with compressed air.
Spring-powered guns are not as powerful as gas-powered guns, but they are much cheaper to buy and run. They can be used in all-day games without trouble. Most airsoft guns fall into one of two main categories: Training or Competitive.
Why should you care about airsoft guns? – What Airsoft Gun Is Best for a Beginner
Because airsoft guns are fun. During basic training, most of the time you are supposed to be free shooting. You’re not supposed to hit the bag or set down your gun. The instructor, especially when it’s a first-time situation, may give you strict directions. It’s ok to lay down your gun and shoot it once, but the instructor should instruct you not to do it again.
Imagine that the instructor takes your gun away because he thinks it’s unsafe to shoot. Now imagine if you ran across a vacant lot and saw a bunch of people shooting at each other with guns. Safety is always more important than anything else.
You should always remain in control of your gun. If it’s free-floating, it’s very easy for you to step on it accidentally. Foot traffic happens quickly, so it’s easy to step on an airsoft gun. If it’s in the tight trigger guard, it’s even more difficult to avoid stepping on it accidentally.
Pro Tip: Always aim your gun upward toward the target.
Best Type of Airsoft Gun for a Beginner – What Airsoft Gun Is Best for a Beginner
When you’re just starting out in airsoft, it can be hard to know what gun is the best for you. In fact, airsoft guns can be divided into 6 categories: beginner, intermediate, advanced, sniper, machine gun, and AEG. Depending on which category you fall into, there are actually quite a few variations of airsoft guns. Let’s take a look at each of these, the pros and cons, and which ones I’m personally rocking right now.
Beginner/Intermediate Airsoft Guns – What Airsoft Gun Is Best for a Beginner
It can take some time to find an airsoft gun that fits your play style, but once you do, you’ll love the feel of an airsoft gun in your hands. Beginner airsoft guns are ideal for those who want to start off slow and gradually build their playing skills. This type of gun may also be used by new tightrope walkers or racers who have yet to work on both walkings and running with poles.
Most beginner guns will be pretty subpar when used in the defensive gun role. Try to avoid blasters and black-out suits, as these can shorten your airsoft career before it even starts. However, once you learn the basic movement patterns for airsoft guns such as storing your gun horizontal and vertical, pulling the trigger, then releasing it, you’ll soon find that these guns are very accurate and very powerful. The only downside to this is that they often don’t have the customization options that more expensive guns do. The good news is that there are a few inexpensive pieces of plastic to add to these guns, so look around and find a fun way to customize it to your liking (We’re all a unique person. C’mon.)
Advanced/Mastering Airsoft Guns – What Airsoft Gun Is Best for a Beginner
Advanced airsoft guns are a bit more advanced than other prosumers, and they require a bit more knowledge and training before they actually start using them.

Oliver has been a paintball enthusiast since he first stepped on the field at just 11. He quickly joined clubs and teams all throughout New Hampshire! He started Paintball Hive to share his passion and knowledge with other paintball heads out there!