How to Fill Air Tanks for Paintball Guns? This is a complete guide to help you. You’re going to have to learn how to replenish your paintball tank at some point. Refilling stations are frequently provided at paintball grounds, however they are not always available.
You won’t be able to play paintball at home or on your own land because such services are not readily available. Another advantage of learning how to refill paintball air tanks at home is the cost savings.
Although CO2 refills are relatively inexpensive, replenishing an HPA tank may be quite costly. While handling a first-time refill can be challenging, once you’ve learned the basics, you’ll have no trouble keeping your tank filled in the future.
What to Use for Air Tank Refill – Air Tanks for Paintball
Paintball gun air tanks are refilled with specialized air compressors. You can buy these tanks for personal use if you’re serious about the game – or have the money for it.
Most players, on the other hand, refill their paintball gun tanks at one of two locations: (1) the paintball gun playing field or (2) the paintball gun store. For a modest cost, they will allow you to utilize the air compressor. Many of these compressors are operated in a similar manner. If you’ve ever had to fill a flat tire, you should have no trouble replenishing the tank. In fact, because of the handy gauge that comes with the air compressor, they’re much easier to fill.
Kinds of Tanks – Air Tanks for Paintball
Before we get into a step-by-step instructions for tank refilling, it’s necessary to figure out what kind of tank you have. Don’t worry; when it comes to the tank’s actual contents, there are just three options: HPA, CO2, and Pure Nitrogen.
High-pressure compressed air tanks, or HPA tanks, hold highly pressurized oxygen. The largest ones are around 5,000 psi and will provide you with high-powered field shots. The other is made up of CO2 (Compressed Carbon Dioxide). What’s the difference between the two? In most cases, compressed CO2 is in the form of a liquid rather than a gas. It only turns into gas when you let it out of the tank, or when you squeeze the trigger on your paintball gun.
Finally, there’s the extremely rare Pure Nitrogen tank. If you want a tank like this, you might have a hard time finding one that can be filled — even at your local paintball shop. As a result, it’s preferable to limit yourself to either HPA or CO2.
Which is the better option?
But here’s the crux of the matter: which tank type will provide you with the best field performance? HPA tanks, according to the general consensus. This suggests that most players prefer HPA to CO2, but why is it?
For one thing, CO2 is temperature-dependent. If the surrounding environment becomes too hot, the liquid inside the tank may expand, causing harm to the tank’s internal integrity. If the temperature is too low, the CO2 will shrink, lowering the pressure inside the tank and making long-range shooting difficult.
Because paintball is frequently played in the field, where temperatures can be high, this can be a significant disadvantage for CO2 tank users. There’s also the issue that CO2 must transition from liquid to gas with each shot, meaning you won’t be able to fire off multiple shots in a row.
Why, therefore, do some individuals continue to utilize CO2? The price is, of course, the most important factor. CO2 tanks are much less expensive and, from an environmental standpoint, are really cleaner. However, HPA outperforms HPA in terms of efficiency.
A Guide Refilling Your Tank – Air Tanks for Paintball
The next step is to fill your tank after you’ve found your refilling station. Obviously, an HPA tank’s compressor is not the same as a CO2 tank’s. Both would be ideal at your refilling station. Here’s how you can do it:
Step 1: Find Out Tank PSI
Your tank should include a gauge that indicates how much PSI it should hold. The maximum pressure is usually 4500 PSI, and you should never exceed that. If you have a CO2 tank, it should be refrigerated first to keep the temperature stable inside the tank. This will make it easier for you to completely fill it.
Step 2: Attach to the Fill Nipple
Examine the attachment that will be linked to your air tank carefully. Once you attach it to the tank, there should be a dark tiny O-ring there to prevent air from escaping. If the O-ring is missing, the tank will not be filled because air will escape via that little surface. If you realize that there is no O-ring, call someone.
If the O-ring is present, just draw back on the attachment’s collar until the core needle is fully exposed. Through the filling nipple, connect it to your tank. By jiggling the hose a little, you can make sure it’s secure. The connection should be secure.
Step 3: Slowly Fill the Tank
Once you’re certain that the attachment is secure, slowly let air out of the tank. You can do this by pressing down on the compressor’s lever. However, some compressors have buttons, so make sure you pay attention.
In either scenario, don’t keep pressing the lever or button all the time. Rather of filling quickly, you want to fill slowly and steadily. The gauge needle should go upwards when the refill takes place. Paintball air tanks only have 3000 or 4500 PSI, so make sure you know which category yours is in.
Step 4: Watch BOTH Gauges
There will be two gauges on the table: one for your rifle and another for the air compressor. It’s a good idea to keep an eye on both as you fill the tank to double-check the gauge’s functionality. Both gauges should ideally move in the same direction, indicating that they’re both in good working order.
Step 5: Prevent a Hot Fill
When filling a tank, one of the most common mistakes is to fill it too soon. This is known as a “hot fill,” and it occurs when you press the lever or button too hard. The air just rushes out of the compressor and into your tank, swiftly raising the gauge. This is something you don’t want to happen because it will harm the tank and cause you to overestimate the tank’s contents.
A hot fill ostensibly fills the tank. Even if you aren’t using the tank, the air will become hot and the gauge will drop soon after disconnection. To avoid this, make the filling process as slow as possible. The last thing you want is for the tank to go dry 15 minutes after you’ve filled it up.
Step 6: Release the Pressure
This is the most crucial stage that many newcomers overlook. When you’re through with the air refill, the air compressor will still have some air inside it that can be transferred to the tank. The air compressor’s release valve should be used to release the compressed air. Pushing on this will cause all of the excess air to escape. Don’t be alarmed by the loud “whoosh” sound this will produce.
Failure to release the pressure might be troublesome since it means that air is still flowing through the hose after the pressure has been released. This can damage the tank, particularly the fill nipple.
Step 7: Detach the Hose
You can now release the hose from the fill nipple after relieving the pressure. Everything else should be done backwards, starting with the collar. Remove the hose from its attachment by pulling it down. Return the hose to its original position on the table, and you’re good to go!
Can You Switch Between Tanks?
The answer is simple: no. After using an HPA tank on the same paintball pistol, you can’t immediately switch to a CO2 tank. Paintball guns have markers that indicate whether they’re for HPA or CO2. You can’t use an HPA tank for a gun that uses CO2 markers and vice versa; otherwise, the gun will be ruined.
Keep in mind that no one is born knowing how to fill paintball guns’ air tanks. As a result, if you’re unclear or puzzled, don’t be hesitant to seek assistance. Many paintball gun fans enjoy assisting newcomers in order to keep the sport alive and well. It’s also a good idea to watch others fill their tanks to get a better understanding of how to approach each stage. Soon, all of this will rely just on muscle memory to function.
Final thoughts – Air Tanks for Paintball
In a nutshell, replacing the air tank of your paintball pistol is as simple as putting the appropriate parts together. You’ll find that the process grows easier and more automatic as you become used to it. You should keep in mind that playing frequently necessitates frequent replenishing, so if you can afford it, investing in your own air compressor can save you a lot of money in modest expenses.

Oliver has been a paintball enthusiast since he first stepped on the field at just 11. He quickly joined clubs and teams all throughout New Hampshire! He started Paintball Hive to share his passion and knowledge with other paintball heads out there!
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